Nokia Promotes Ovi Tools For Developers

Nokia has published information about the new Ovi ecosystem which includes handsets, software, developer tools along with mobile operators, 3rd party developers and users. An important element is the Ovi Store as a content intake and point of sales. On the developer tools side, the Ovi ecosystem comprises of Ovi APIs, consisting of Ovi Maps Player API and Ovi Navigation Player API as well as the Ovi SDK Beta and Ovi apps. See details below.
OVI Ecosystem PR
Technology Preview:
Ovi APIs (application programming interface) makes Ovi apps contextual and more relevant for consumers. Ovi APIs opens access to the industry leading context assets from Nokia, starting with Ovi Maps.
Ovi Maps Navigation Player API integrates the industry leading Drive and Walk navigation services with a few line of JavaScript that can be used for mobile.
Ovi Maps Player API is now available both for the web and mobile, offering a simple way to embed the unique, dynamic and personalized Ovi Maps experience with positioning in several map modes (2D, 3D,terrain) for highly dynamic (rotation, fly-throughs)activity mash-ups.
Ovi SDK Beta:
Ovi SDK Beta (software development kit) is a developer toolkit to create Ovi apps for mobile. Ovi SDK Beta packages the unique capabilities of Ovi APIs as well as a comprehensive set of native-like UI libraries and standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, Java Script). With Ovi SDK Beta it is easy to develop more relevant mobile applications based on standard web technologies that take user's location as a starting point.
OVI Apps:
Ovi apps are a new class of applications that are bringing together the simplicity and familiarity of standard web technologies (HTML, CSS, Java Script) as well as rich features, such as navigation from Ovi Navigation Player API and the reach from Nokia's entire smartphone portfolio. By using standard web technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, a new application can be built in weeks, not months. Features of Ovi APIs can be used across platforms, both on Symbian and Maemo, and distributed globally via the Ovi Store.


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